Church History
The original church was organized by Coleman Grayes around 1845-1850 when he moved to Bath County. As the community was sparsely settled at this time, the Peeled Oak Union Church was used by the Disciples of Christ, the Presbyterians, the Campbellites and the Methodists, who always worshiped together harmoniously holding services with their own minster alternating appointments. In 1902, the present building was erected, but was only completed and dedicated in June 1903.
Dedication services were held at the church in June 1903 and an estimated 1,000 people attended. Ministers from around the area gathered to celebrate this day. Along with the new building, the church received the chandeliers that are still hanging today, as well as new pews and organ.
For more than 50 years, no other denomination has used the church and the name was officially changed from Peeled Oak Union Church to the current name that it holds today, Peeled Oak Christian Church. Many have faithfully attended the church and since gone on to places of leadership in the community, business and in various churches elsewhere.
History of Peeled Oak Christian Church.